
时间:2023-03-25 14:33:36



University life like a snap of the wings of the end, the next is about to work. I know that this is a major challenge in life, the role of conversion. Which in addition to a strong adaptability and optimistic attitude to life, but more importantly, thanks to the accumulation of university studies and skills training. In this case,

In ideology, I strive to move forward, care about current affairs, love the motherland, support the party and the state's principles and policies, abide by national laws, regulations and rules and regulations, and actively move closer to the party organiza ……此处隐藏659个字……r holidays to take the initiative to participate in all aspects of internship work, This gave me a great help after the life.

In dealing with people, I and my classmates can live in harmony, solidarity between people, some people will encounter difficulties I will take the initiative to help, when I have difficulties, we will lend a helping hand to me , Really grateful to everyone.

In learning, I will finish the teacher on time assignment, in the spare time will learn to other aspects of knowledge, learning attitude correct.

In short, four years of college life is full and colorful, during which I learned a lot of knowledge, made a very good friend, which is very meaningful for me, for me later is also very helpful of.


